Sunday, March 18, 2007


So, lately I've been discovering my creative side. Guess what, I have one!! I have always enjoyed photography, but last summer I broke down and bought a digital camera. It's the exact same as my film camera (Canon Rebel) so all of my lenses are interchangeable. I'm not really sure what my hesitation with going digital was. I LOVE my new camera. The day I got it I took at least 100 pictures just in our yard. And our yard only takes about 15 mintues to mow, so you can imagine that finding 100 things to take pictures of must have been pure excitement of a new toy. Since then I have continued with my photography exploration. This is one of my favorite pictures. I really enjoy nature and I especially enjoy finding the details of nature that make it so beautiful. This is just a leaf with water droplets left after a fall rain. The red in the background is actually a red maple leaf that had fallen to the ground. Isn't God amazing with his creation??

I also really enjoy photographing the places that I travel to and especially the people. This is my all time favorite image from my travels. This was taken from a taxi cab in India. We had briefly stopped on a bridge in Calcutta and the kids crowded around our window. When you look really closely at the picture, you can see the reflection of the taxi in their eyes. (This is probably too small to really see it.) Anyway, I just wanted to share a bit of my new found creativity with you. I hope you enjoyed it!


Anonymous said...

Sweet pictures. I encouraging your blogging... I think this is great... If only I could force myself to do it more.
I also like the interface, as it is clean & not cluttered with ads and not offensive like My Space.

- Cameron

Chelsea Lee said...

hey mckeagues! i love reading about what you are up to. it is so much fun. sounds like you guys are doing great.