Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ah yes, the painting is finished!!

So about 18 months after we started painting the outside of our house we finally finished!
Before you ask, yes we did take a break in the middle in order to re-roof but now it is done.
We realize that not everyone will feel our level of joy at having completed so great a task but we're pretty happy. Check out the lift we rented so we could get up to the high parts over the front porch.
The next step is to get our house listed and sell the thing (hopefully soon) and then we'll look for another one to fix up.


Chelsea Lee said...

this looks great guys! i can't believe how "normal" your life seems to be. you're all married and settled. crazy! i am glad you guys have found a place to put some roots down.

Nat Zook said...

Hello you two,
The house looks great, way to go.
Love ya guys, peace

Karisse said...

Oh my word. This has SO not been updated in a LONG time. =)